Brigid’s Cross Tutorial

In Ireland Candlemas (or pagan Imbolc) is celebrated as St Brigid’s feast day. It’s a holiday where the returning of the light and the nature after the dark winter is celebrated. A typical symbol for this holiday is the Brigid’s cross (or Brigit’s cross), a four-ended cross made of straw or rushes, with a knotted pattern in the middle. Traditionally the crosses are made on the holiday and set over doorways and windows to protect the home from fire or any kind of harm.

There are many different variations of Brigid’s crosses. The Brigid’s Cross tutorial I’m showing here is the most common.
DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

Brigid’s Cross Tutorial:

You need:
natural straw – for example wheat straw stalks (available here*) and cut off the ears
yarn (available here*)

Alternatively you can use (available here*), but these straws are often a bit too wide in diameter

You need to soak the straw in warm water for a while, to avoid breaking. 30 minutes should be enough.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

Begin with two straws. Fold the straws in the middle.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

Wrap one straw around the other, like shown in the picture.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

Wrap a third straw around the second straw.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

Wrap a fourth straw around the third straw and tuck its ends through the loop of the first straw.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

Now you can pull on the straws and form the knot in the middle.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

Start with a second row. It doesn’t matter where you start, but you need to fold the new straws in the same direction as before.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

Wrap a new straw always around all the straw endings on one side.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

To finish a row, tuck the ends of the last straw into the loop of the first straw of the row.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

After you pull them tight, you can add as many rows as you like. Typically you can add 3 or 4 rows of straw, before the Brigid’s cross gets too bulky.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

Secure the straw ends on each side with some yarn and trim them.

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

A finished Brigid’s cross should look something like this. 🙂

brigids cross snow

You can decorate them outside or above your doorway as a blessing to protect the home from harm.

Brigids Cross Variations

There are different variations of Brigid’s crosses. A three-stranded cross is made exactely like one with 4 sides, but you end each row after adding the third straw. There are also variations where you weave the straw in the middle and secure the ends straight.

Imbolc DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

Brigid’s Cross, straw dolls and candles are perfect Candlemas decoration.


Brigid’s Cross Tutorial for Pinterest:

DIY Brigids Cross Tutorial

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