Wildflower Wreaths and Dried Herb Bouquets

I was picking wildflowers again! You so easily forget what treasures are growing all around you. I found everything on the edge of a field, by the wayside and on an overgrown meadow. I didn’t even have to leave the urban area.

wildflowers herbs

I wrote about my fondness for dried flower bouquets in an earlier post. It’s such an easy decoration. You just have to pick a few flowers and herbs, make a bouquet and hang it up around the house. They look especially pretty on a doorframe, in the kitchen or bathroom, or as a dried bouquet in a vase. Maybe you can combine it with a little sunday trip. Every family member picks a bunch of flowers. At home you make bouquets, decorate them with ribbons and put little nametags with the date and the destination of the outing on it. That’s such a nice keepsake!

Wildflowers tend to dry nicely. If they are a little “strawy” already, they will most certainly keep their color and shape. I don’t even bother with drying them in dark, cool areas. I hang them up immediately after I make the bouquet.

Getreide und Kornblumen

You should also collect some different grasses and crops. Maybe they don’t look that special in a meadow next to colorful flowers, but I really love the combination of wheat and cornflowers in a dried bouquet. Of course you should always ask the owner of the field if you can pick them. But sometimes you can find overgrown crops on dormant fields, or trampled ones on the edge. And there should not be much harm in picking it. 🙂

wildflower wreath

I made this wildflower wreath the same way I made my Lavender Wreath. You can find the tutorial here. I didn’t want it to be too neat, so I let the flowers stick out at different lengths and fixed everything with thin floral wire. I really like how it turned out. You can play around with flowers and herbs and arrange them asymmetrically. I didn’t decorate the upper part of my wreath, because I think it looks more interesting that way. Just be creative and test out different combinations. 🙂


You can even decorate your garden with your little bouquets. They won’t last very long there, but I love them as decoration for a summer party or a nice evening with family and friends. And if you hang up some dried crops, the birds will love it too.


From time to time, we decorate our garden shed with dried flowers. I think it looks a little like a witch’s cottage that way. 🙂


After I secure the bouquets with floral wire, I like to wrap a little natural raffia (available here*) around the stems. It will hold everything in place, and I quite like the finished look of it.

Household Remedies

If you like to collect medicinal herbs, you can make little bouquets for different ailments. Maybe a bouqet to soothe a sore throat, and a different one to calm the nerves. Just hang them up in your kitchen with a little tag on them, and you’ll have them ready if you want to make some herbal tea.

wildflower bouquet wildflower bouquet wildflower bouquet


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